Sunday, January 14, 2007

Just rescued my write-protected USB flash drive

I bought my Apacer Handy Steno HT202 256MB around 2 years ago. But in the last 2-3 days, I cannot make any modification to the file on it. Windows XP keeps telling me the same message about write-protected things. I am pretty sure that there is no thing such as write-protected switch or hold switch on my model.

After a long research over the internet, I found that many people experienced this same problem too. Some of them resurrect their devices by reformatting it in Linux. Some of them do a low-level format using a program named OnBelay. But neither of above methods work for me. Linux told me the same message as in Windows XP (the drive is write-protected blah blah). And OnBelay told me that my model does not support low-level formatting.

So I decided to go out and buy a new one. I bought Apacer Handy Steno HA202 1GB (Apacer again?). I just like its "never losing the cap" design :) USB flash drives are incredibly cheap these days.

When I arrived home, I decided to write to Apacer's tech support about my issue. Not really hope that they could fix my problem because I heard from many places before that tech supports in big companies are useless.

It takes not so long for them to answer my email (less than 10 hours). I am really impressed! And the support give me a link to download a program which can do a low-level format on my HT202. I hurriedly download and try it. My HT202's light flashes for a few minutes. All my data is erased. I try copying a file on to it and it works !!!!

Hope this can help people who is experiencing the same problem :)
Big thanks to Apacer's tech support team!!!

ps I am not sure if I can redistribute the low-level format program here so you, who have the same problem, should write to tech support team yourself. Apacer's web site address is

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Unknown said...

Thanks and Thanks again for the information.
I just encountered the wirte protected and nearly goto by a new one.
I read your article then go to Apacer website and download one of
the Lformat program. I don't know exactly which one. And it works.
It's a miracle.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gant!!!
Your page is cool!!

//short comment 55++

Anonymous said...

Good Job!!!
Ha ha ha ^^

Unknown said...

nice tip, but unfortunately they didnt respond to me:(
can you send me this soft or link where to find it?

Unknown said...

Hi zymazyt,
You can go to download page of Apacer's website located at and search for "lformat". Then choose one that matches your model.

Eternal heart said...

Just rescued my write-protected USB flash drive

I fix on your problem .
"My Flash" is My handydrive 512m
But in the last month, I cannot make any modification to the file on it. Windows XP keeps telling me the same message about write-protected things. I am pretty sure that there is no thing such as write-protected switch or hold switch on my model.

I can not format or eraser or write the file to them.

I not have Url or Co. of "My Flash" because the own is my office. and not have cd's driver or it's package. I cannot download or search for driver or tech support.

Please help me! Thank you. I hope you are my sunshine.

(I can use little of english , I 'm sorry for my wording)

Eternal heart said...

Oh! you can contact in my web blog
thank you

Eternal heart said...

I wait for your answer.

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Sorry about late reply. You should try the program I mentioned above (OnBelay) to see if your model support low-level formatting. If it could not, you might have to buy a new one :(

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice post!

Anonymous said...

i have problems with my USB. please help!
at first,i could transfer files from my PC at home, but now i couldn't. i don't know if this is happening due to windows xp sp2, because i'm using windows 98 in school and it's working.

here are the problems i am dealing with:
1. when i'm trying to delete files on my USB, a dialog box appears saying "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk3\DR11.".

2. when i am transferring files from PC to USB, the dialog bx says "Cannot create or replace [file name]: The device is not ready".

3. when i'm trying to format the USB, a dialog box appears again saying that "Windows was unable to complete the format." then the windows explorer will switch to control panel.

4. sometimes, when i am plugging in the USB, the window if the drive is opening like a pop-up, and it won't stop LIKE CRAZY until i eject it.

i tried to download OnBelay but it has a licensure key and i couldn't access it, also tried to format it in disk management but it says "The format did not complete successfully." in a dialog box.

i also tried to visit the site of the manufacturer of my USB, but it has not any guides for these kind of problem.(cd-r king is the manufacturer)

if you have any ideas dealing with these problems, please let me know.

email me at

thanks in advance. :)

Anonymous said...

hey just wanted to say thanks! I have a Patriot xporterXT usb flash drive - very similar 200x speed drive but a rival company to apacer... i was stuck with the write protect issue, so ran the HT203 Handy Steno 2.0 Repair Tool V2811 listed on the apacer website - it worked perfectly and the drive is fixed. thanks, i had given up and was waiting for patriot to issue me an rma number - i sent it back before for the same issue ! did i say thank you?!!

Anonymous said...

here's the link to the download page:

once there in the dropdown boxes select 'usb flash drives', and 'utilities', then submit. the one i used on the patriot xporterXT that worked to clear the write protect issue was 'HT203 Handy Steno 2.0 Repair Tool V2811' for vsita which is the top result

Anonymous said...


I TRIED all the utility software BUT stil NO success. I really dont know whats the issue with my SONY 2GB USB Drive, it has become useless.

Any help on this will be appreciated.

You can reah me at:

Unknown said...

Hi Ashwin,

I really do not have any idea about your issue. But you can try to contact the Sony's tech support and ask them for a "low-level format" program for your model. I do not think that the Apacer's program I mentioned above would work with your Sony thumbdrive.

Sorry for late reply

Anonymous said...

If that doesn't work (it didn't for me) try the following. 100% successful here:

- Start > Run > type ‘regedit’ then hit 'OK'.

- Browse to the following key:

My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies

- Double click on the string ‘WriteProtect’ and change the ‘Value Data’ box to ‘0’

- You may also need to do this for the strings in any folders called ‘ControlSet***’ e.g.

My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\StorageDevicePolicies


Anonymous said...

thanks alot! you're a big help :D

Anonymous said...

i also have the problem of write-protection in my "My Flash" memory stick.. i dont know how to get rid of that problem.. i cant transfer any file from my pc.. i need help please... email me at thanks

Unknown said...

please send me whatever solutions you have to my problem regarding my memory stick.. i badly need it.. thanks

Unknown said...

i also have the problem of write-protection in my "My Flash" memory stick.. i dont know how to get rid of that problem.. i cant transfer any file from my pc.. i need help please... email me at thanks

Unknown said...

i also have the problem of write-protection in my "My Flash" memory stick.. i dont know how to get rid of that problem.. i cant transfer any file from my pc.. i need help please... email me at thanks

Anonymous said...

Yes, just rescued my Patriot exporter 2GB key with that Apacer program. Thank you so much for the tip.

Anonymous said...

Low Level Formatter v2.9.1.1 found on the Apacer website worked for me; however, it did not work the first time, but I tried again and it was a success.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Friends.

My name is Héctor. I live in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Thanks for this great post. I recovered a Memorex USB Flash with the utility provided by Apacer.

When I run the utility, the led was kept flashing until it showed an error message.

Then I format the USB Flash and YES. It is working!!!

Thanks a looooooooooooooottttt.

Anonymous said...

My patriot 2gb usb key is cured.
Many thanks from Holland.

diazneo82 said...

Hi Frds,
my pen drive had virus which write protected the usb drive.i tried every method but it failed .now by using low level format software.i was able to clean pendrive with no issues .
thanks for the blog u gave me .
use lowformat software
links to download
copy link and download and enjoy .

Juan Pablo said...

hi! i have a DTMFY Kingston/1GB with these problem.
I see your tip and after to try, works fine! thanks!! :D

greetings from México :D

Anonymous said...

Works for me !

FIX MiniFun 1GB Kingston DTMFY

AH320 LFormat Utility

Master from Mexico.

ammar0466 said...

u can repair this problem using penprotector .

also u can make your usb flash become real write protected,

dont have to install software to many Pc..

run the software and select your pendrive.. then your ysb flash will be completely protected from virus and anything..

visit blog

[zsazsa] said...

ah i don't have any problem with my usb pen drive i would not have found this page.. thanks for the info.. so unfortunate that it will not work on vista though...

Snipertux said...


thanks for the inputs!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i want to say many many thank u to zarathustra!!!!he solve my problem!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Used on a kingston usb flash like a charm...carefull to choose a model close to my size of usb stick....BIG THANKS

Anonymous said...

hi, i also encounter the same problem on write-protection

i can't format my USB 2.0 drive it's 4Gb but when I rightclick-format it has no file system dropdown (like FAT32, etc.) I tried at c prompt this command "format e: /fs:fat32" or something like that sry i can't remember exactly but it says it's write protected. the manufacturer is cd-r king and they can't even fix it. i check on apacer website but they got like tons of files there i don't know which to choose.

pls help me. or email me at: ladynikita *underscore* then "x" @yahoo-dot-com. *sorry trying to avoid spams.


ps: is there also a way to recover the files? i believe my files are still there marked into it but it's ok if none... i have accepted they are gone :(..

Anjana Kasargod said...


My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies

This did not work for me as there is no "StorageDevicePolicies" displayed in my system.

I tried downloading a low-level formatter which unfortunately is not detecting the pen though the blue light is on. Any alternative suggestion??

Anonymous said...

mastermx, thank you for the info!

it worked on my little sister's 512mb Kingston USB flash drive.

you guys are awesome!

thank you so mush guys!

Anonymous said...

It did work.
I did not have StorageDevicePolicies key, nor switch
but Apacer format program helped. Though it gave an error in the end (maybe because my drive is from Duracell), I was able to do a regular formating with Windows after it. It works now.

Anonymous said...

Same here . I'm using Windows XP SP3
My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies

This did not work for me as there is no "StorageDevicePolicies" displayed in my system.

TheR Software said...

I have a brand new victorinox swiss army usb stick, and it worked fine, and now no matter what, windows has to format it, but it is write-protected.

I.M Fletcher said...

I am getting the same error with my flash drive. I also can't see the StorageDevicePolicies setting in regedit. Also, I didn't really want to reformat my drive.

What I found you can do is get into the drive through a DOS prompt.

Try this, Windows XP - goto Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. This will open up a DOS window. Now type the name of your flashdrive followed by a colon, eg, mine was drive letter K so I type K:

Now to list the directory, type DIR
This will show your directory. At this point I left the DOS window open and went back into Windows and clicked on the drive in Explorer. The write protect error still came up, but after clicking a couple of times I could see and open the files on the drive.

Anyway, once you're in DOS you should be able to copy any files you want to another drive using the DOS 'copy' or 'xcopy' commands, and format the drive from DOS also. eg, To copy all files and directories (except empty directories) from drive C to drive A, enter

xcopy c: a: /s

You can do a search on google to find other DOS commands

Ajay said...

hey dude,
u are really great. I also have the problem of write protection. From the past 8 month I'm unable to fix the problem & tried all the usual-unusual procedures, but with your suggestion I try & the software named Repair_v2.9.1.8A(it is in zip file). It cool buddy.... it works.. yeppyyyyy

Johnw said...


Buvana said...


My verbatim 4g usb stick work again!

Mattie said...

hi, its very informative, USB Protection , thanks

Anonymous said...

Hundreds of millions of USB flash drives are currently in operation around the world, with the vast majority not offering proper usb protection

Anonymous said...

Big Thanks.

promo usb drives said...

Apacer seem to be quite good with their after sales customer service, I had a similar problem and they replied by the next day. That's the technical support we should expect as a consumer but it is still nice when they provide a solution so quickly.

Anonymous said...

Guys i have 2 gb flash cdr king

i tried alot of tools even from Apacer but no one worked

kindly help me out

send me an email on

or reply here

note: i have tried all the things from Apacer USB Utilities - tell me some other solution please


masterat0r said...

This did the trick. Tried apacer formatter but it couldn't find the device. Use this but be sure to mention what capacity the flash drive has

emason said...


emason said...

i have a LG flash drive and it showing write protected and i cannot copy files to the disk i tried to format it refused i need help on how to resolve the problem

nadeekadn said...

I tried linux. but i didn't solve it.

Jude said...

Thanks for this info. I'll try to do as instructed.

Anonymous said...

duce-te-ai in pizda ma-tii. Ne faci sa ne pierdem timpul.

handsome said...

hi, i also encounter the same problem on write-protection

please help.....

i can't format my USB 2.0 drive it's 8Gb but when I rightclick-format it has no file system dropdown (like FAT32, etc.) I tried at c prompt this command "format e: /fs:fat32" or something like that sry i can't remember exactly but it says it's write protected. the manufacturer is cd-r king and they can't even fix it. i check on apacer website but they got like tons of files there i don't know which to choose.

pls help me. or email me at:


they same problem.....

Bubby said...

Hi, i also dont have any option of StorageDeviceApplication in Widows 7,so then how to remove write protection from my IBM 2GB USB?? Any solution for registry in Win 7??

DVD distribution said...

The author is saying that they just rescued the write protected usb. Good post

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Anonymous said...

i have San Disk Cruzer Blade USB Device 8GB

1.the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies.
The value 'WriteProtect' should be absent or set to '0'.

2.Write protection ON or OFF button on stick then

1. Shutdown your computer or laptop
2. Insert USB Memory Stick into your laptop or Computer
3. Turn on laptop and then immediately start pressing (F8) key then Advanced Boot Options screen will come up
4. Select Safe Mode with Command Prompt
5. After loading files if your USB Memory Stick drive letter is (G) for example then write as
6. C:\windows\system32>G: and press enter
7. G:\>format G: and press enter
8. If ask you (Y/N) then press (Y) and press enter

3.USB Storage write protection (Fix)
1) Start > Accessories > Run Command Prompt As Administrator
2) type > >chkdsk t: /F /X
(use your own drive letter where f: is)

4.Low Level Formatter software
5. disk getory recover
6. Hard disk washer
7.partition manager
8.Active kill disk

i followed all these files and software and many cmd command but could not remove write protect ....what do i do?

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Anonymous said...

..this software was the answer of my usb problem..other software was useless..i prefer to use this than testing other software..u'r wasting your time...thanks a lot..

Anonymous said...

Is there any way to fix this without deleting all files off of the drive??

Johnw said...

"Is there any way to fix this without deleting all files off of the drive??"
If you have tried the ways in the blog, here is what you do next.

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Thanks it really worked for me

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